Thursday 10 October 2013

Extinction, how?

My last blog was 7 years ago. It was a random blog about high school gossips and irrelevant lyrics… This one is different. In this blog, I will be focusing on the myths being extinction, and perhaps some interesting stories about endangered or extinct species. My interest in these topics first sparked watching the movie - Night at the Museum. The dinosaur reminded me of Natural History Museum and made me think - How can massive animals like dinosaurs just disappear?
So first of all, How did the first ever extinction happen? Scientists have put forward a lot of theories on this topic. Russell and Tucker suggested that supernovae could be one of the main reasons for extinction - including the extinction of dinosaurs. This theory was also discussed by Ellis and Scheramm more than 20 years later. There have been other causes of extinction being thrown about -  human hunting, invasive species.. So then I realised the question of why extinction occurred is still a mystery today! 

I knew that TEDtalk always invites interesting speakers, so while doing some research to start this blog, I surfed TED's website and came across this one by Peter Ward explaining extinction by hydrogen sulphide. 

Enough of theories for extinction for now. Throughout this blog I plan to introduce some endangered animals and some possible reasons that have pushed them towards the edge of extinction. Nature or human? There are more than a dozen of arguments but who has the right theory? Most importantly, is the sixth mass extinction fast approaching?


  1. Hi Bertha, I don't know if you've seen this news story
    but Spanish scientists might possibly bring a species back from exinction, by cloning cells from the last animal!

    National Geographic also have a page on 'de-extinction' where they discuss the pros and cons and have links to the TedXde-extinction event:

    1. Hey Alice! Sorry for the late reply. Yes I actually read something related as well. Not sure if that helps because it is still under experiments..
      Thanks for the links, find them absolutely interesting :)
